Friday, August 22, 2008

Printers and Pot Plants

It is now nearing ten o'clock, and still Facebook offers little entertainment. I care not that the girl I added from primary school is 'no longer single'. I am awaiting the departure of my little brother, who earlier declared that he would be going out 'later', so that I can have a private moment on the damp grass with some rather dryer grass Kristie acquired yesterday. This state of sustained soberness will damage my reputation, if I am not careful. 

On a happier note, my printer. It is here, right now, beside my computer. A little green light is flashing happily; I forgot to turn it off. It isn't very dusty - mum made me clean in preparation for previously mentioned little brothers 21st last weekend. It is silver and black and has the exciting ability to scan. Most of all, it works. The old printer (and I'll have to whisper here, she is sitting on the floor by my chair), though white, and small, the superficial match for my lovely white Mac, was not, when the time came around, able to perform. Incompatible, she was, with my lovely white Mac. I retired her; she is for sale, if you care?

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