Monday, August 25, 2008

Super Hero's at the Sandwich Bar

Impossible as this may be to believe, but, wait for it, I got a new story idea today! I know, I know, I can hear you now, 'procrastinator, write your damn thesis already!' But I don't want to, not right now, so there. There is something special about this story. It is fiction. FICTION, I tells ya. I haven't done that before. It is a good idea, too, I think. The idea followed a request by my co-worker and cousin today. He said, "Do you write stuff?" and I said, "Why, yes, I do," to which he replied, "Can you write a story with me in it? Like super hero's or cartoon stuff or stuff or something?" He was quite excited, and I remembered a little story I wrote back when I was a wee lass. There was an element of super hero in it. There was also an element of Michael (that's my cousin). I ran the idea past him. I thought his eyes were going to fall out, he was so enthralled. Good audience. I wrote a page. I mean, I hid behind the sandwich counter and scribbled some dialogue on a bit of paper. Then I accosted him in the car park on a smoke-o and read it to him. He "ooo-ed" and "ah-ed" in all the right places. Great audience. I am compelled, with such an audience, to write a super hero story, a fictional, magical, super hero story starring the one and only, Mike! 

Ah, so yeah, here I go...

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