Friday, September 12, 2008

Dream Bazar

With the frequent and increasingly bizarre dreams my mind has been pumping out recently, I could open a Dream Bazar. And it is not just how bizarre they are, either. They are so real. Sometimes it takes me a day or two, or someone saying something related, that allows me to realise that the memory of the dream is a memory of a dream, not an actual memory. It started off simple. I dreamt that my local Safeway had closed its doors. It took two days, and a visit to said Safeway, for me to realise that I had dreamt this and that Safeway was, in fact, business as usual. However, the dreams have become increasingly bizarre. A few nights ago I dreamt that, while stopped at a set of traffic lights, a hover-car drove past. I was interested, in the dream, and distinctly remember thinking 'I didn't realise they had been released yet. I should tell dad, that's cool.' I fully intended to tell dad, too, just as soon as I saw him. Fortunately, I saw Alex first, who inadvertently revealed the false-ness of this memory. So, dear reader, stay tuned; who knows what tonight's adventures will be?

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