Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Spring Fever

I wonder if there is ever any end to a story. Not just the plot, or the lives of the characters, but the writing of the story. I draft and draft, and each time I print, I find something to change. I am beginning to think the best thing to do is set a draft limit, and when I reach it, print it off and hand it in, no peaking. Argh. I wonder if real writers, when they return to old stories, published and distributed and out of their hands, they find things they would like to change, ways to make the story better? I bet they do. Maybe it is best not to return, at that stage. 

I think my latest story is finally done. I think. I just hit 'print' and have yet to check, but that is draft 4, and, lets not get ridiculous, Judith Butler awaits. 

Having 'finished' one story, I find myself returning to others, and I am unimpressed. What is this? I ask myself. I was going to hand that story in tomorrow, but what have I done? The tense are convulsing, we can't have that. But do I want just one tense in the whole story? Present tense? Will the reader pass out? Tension like that can be unbearable, though I am no master, so more likely it will be boredom over tension that retires my readers. I think I can swing, past and present, but will they get it? And how, how, did I only just notice this, draft 2? 

Meanwhile, I am avoiding draft 3, and as they say, or I, or no-one, 'Tomorrow awaits no [wo]man,' so here I go...

PS Spring is here. Three cheers for the sun.

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